Meet the Staff

Michael Johnson ‘Mr. Purple’ – Director

Michael grew up in Garden City, a small town in western Kansas.  After college Michael, a proud Kansas State graduate, worked in New England camping for over a decade. Michael got his start as the Athletic Director at Camp Waziyatah. He then moved on to Camp Wekeela, where he stayed for seven years as the Head Counselor. Finally he graciously accepted the position of Assistant Director at Camp Caribou. While at Camp Wekeela, Michael met his wife Erika.  They have two daughters, Maya and Annika, who absolutely adore summer camp. Michael loves traveling around the country with his family in their spare time. As previously mentioned, he loves all things Kansas State, he and his girls spend time in Manhattan, KS following everything from football to track & field. One of his daughters wants to be a K-State basketball player and the other wants to be the mascot. Michael can also be found playing a sport with a ball of some sort whether it be golf, tennis, basketball or Australian Rules Football; he loves them all. Michael is thrilled to be working with Camp Fire and is excited to get to know and love Iowa.


Owen Ballard ‘Mr. Berry’ – Assistant Director


Owen was born and raised in Des Moines. He grew up attending Camp Fire and Camp Hantesa programs all the way through high school. After high school, Owen began working at Camp Hantesa; first as a general counselor and later as the LC/Apprentice Director. Owen is currently a senior at Iowa State where he is studying Biology and Child, Adult, and Family Services.

In his spare time he enjoys hiking, canoeing, and camping; especially with his puppy, Robin. Owen is very excited to begin working more with Camp Fire and is looking forward to many great summers ahead!